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Advanced E-Mail Templating

If the provided placeholders are not enough, and you need more logic behind your Templating, you can use our preprocessing feature. This feature allows you to run a custom function on the E-Mail Template before it is sent out. This function will be able to add / modify / remove placeholders from the template. You can also use this function to add custom logic to the template.
Examples of what you can do with this feature:

Usage Examples of Preprocessing E-Mail Templates

  • Adding a Formatted Date to the E-Mail Template
  • Utilizing an external Service to generate a QR Code
  • Adding a Random Quote to the E-Mail Template
  • Sending a Request to an external API


In this example, we will add a timestamp placeholder to the E-Mail Template. This placeholder will contain the current date and time when the E-Mail is sent out.

Preprocessing Function

  • The function should be defined in a Python file in the config/email folder. The function should be named preprocess and should accept a single parameter kwargs which is a dictionary containing all the placeholders available in the E-Mail Template.
  • The function should return the modified kwargs object.
  • The Filename should be the same as the E-Mail Template filename with the .py extension. (e.g. for the WelcomeMail.html template)

In this example, we will add a timestamp placeholder to the ConfirmEmail.html template.

from datetime import datetime

def preprocess(kwargs: dict) -> dict:
    kwargs["timestamp"] ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    return kwargs